
The Friday Focus

⚡️ Friday focus #75: Pricing ideas. Psychology. Your expertise.

Published over 1 year ago • 2 min read


Hi Reader!

I'm taking our son, Asher, to his first Supercross race this year—and I can't wait for him to see some of this:

Excellent work Simon Cudby (and Eli Tomac)!

Here are a few notes, resources, and tools to help you re-focus and level up your business next week.

19 Most Commonly Use Pricing Strategies

If you're like me (human), setting your pricing for clients and new projects can be one of the most stressful decisions in your business. Here's a list of 19 pricing strategies to help you mix things up and see what fits you best.

How to Decide if a Client is a Good Fit for You

Have you ever wanted to find that silver bullet question to weed out those problem clients—before you start a new project? Josh Spector wrote up a helpful list for consultants and client service pros to keep handy.

Marketing is Applied Psychology

Marketing tactics are aimless if you don't understand the purpose behind them (at a basic level). Katelyn Bourgoin is one of the sharpest teachers around. Click here to learn how to connect with your audience (and earn their trust). 34k read her Why We Buy email every week!

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January 17th 2023

How to Build a Thriving Business Around Your Expertise

This podcast was so good, I bought David C. Baker's book before I finished listening to the whole thing. It's packed full of insights for anyone selling services and knowledge. Here's a link to the book: The Business of Expertise.


My favorite email marketing tool.

I send out this email using ConvertKit—and I love the process! If you're planning to start any type of newsletter or business email to your audience, then I recommend checking it out. You can start using ConvertKit free for emails and landing pages. Then, it's easy to upgrade for a small fee when you're ready to add some automations. If complicated marketing tools annoy you, then you'll love the simplicity of ConvertKit!

Let me know if you have any questions about why I picked it over others, I have some pretty strong opinions/reasons. 😉

Have an awesome Monday Reader! 🤘


Whenever you're ready, there are 3 ways I can help you:

1. Free Course to connect your site with Google Search Console, understand your data, and find the best SEO keywords for your business.

2. Apply here to get a free SEO Roadmap and uncover the fastest ways to get more organic traffic (and leads) to your site. Get your personalized SEO Roadmap.

3. Stop wasting time and money trying to figure out SEO on your own. Create an SEO content strategy that works to build your brand, drive leads, and unlock the next phase of your company’s growth. Schedule an SEO Coaching Call

The Friday Focus

by John Ragon

SEO & Digital Marketing Consultant Every Friday, I help local service providers grow their business with 1 key SEO strategy or tactic and a handful of curated resources focused on getting more clients with less effort. If you're a professional service provider or soloprener, you'll love this newsletter.

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